HSBC MF SIP Top UP 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI Magnum Low Duration Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 3395.2503
24-02-2025 3394.5199
21-02-2025 3392.4515
20-02-2025 3391.8331
18-02-2025 3390.4744
17-02-2025 3389.7251
14-02-2025 3387.9211
13-02-2025 3387.6542
12-02-2025 3386.9305
11-02-2025 3386.7018
10-02-2025 3386.0647
07-02-2025 3384.9299
06-02-2025 3384.5086
05-02-2025 3383.2841
04-02-2025 3381.8086
03-02-2025 3380.9624
31-01-2025 3378.8995
30-01-2025 3378.1125
29-01-2025 3377.6773
28-01-2025 3376.7763
27-01-2025 3376.4436
24-01-2025 3374.6434
23-01-2025 3374.3477
22-01-2025 3373.8475
21-01-2025 3373.2558
20-01-2025 3372.6626
17-01-2025 3370.4748
16-01-2025 3369.6128
15-01-2025 3368.1451
14-01-2025 3366.9367
13-01-2025 3367.0029
10-01-2025 3366.2392
09-01-2025 3365.538
08-01-2025 3365.1988
07-01-2025 3365.2495
06-01-2025 3365.1343
03-01-2025 3362.7819
02-01-2025 3362.3698
01-01-2025 3361.9281
31-12-2024 3360.9166
30-12-2024 3359.5864
27-12-2024 3357.6627
26-12-2024 3357.0775
24-12-2024 3355.5533
23-12-2024 3355.4937
20-12-2024 3354.1163
19-12-2024 3354.2346
18-12-2024 3353.9443
17-12-2024 3353.2432
16-12-2024 3352.6656
13-12-2024 3350.8628
12-12-2024 3350.929
11-12-2024 3350.3296
10-12-2024 3350.0382
09-12-2024 3350.0407
06-12-2024 3348.4422
05-12-2024 3347.6153
04-12-2024 3346.9114
03-12-2024 3346.4406
02-12-2024 3345.975
30-11-2024 3343.6941
29-11-2024 3343.1142
28-11-2024 3341.9682
27-11-2024 3341.7466
26-11-2024 3341.5207
25-11-2024 3341.1937
22-11-2024 3339.4673
21-11-2024 3339.0261
19-11-2024 3338.4457
18-11-2024 3337.7983
14-11-2024 3335.4311
13-11-2024 3334.8991
12-11-2024 3334.4055
11-11-2024 3333.4947
08-11-2024 3331.9722
07-11-2024 3330.8088
06-11-2024 3329.6947
05-11-2024 3329.144
04-11-2024 3329.025
31-10-2024 3326.5928
30-10-2024 3325.91
29-10-2024 3325.1702
28-10-2024 3324.2575
25-10-2024 3323.0236
24-10-2024 3322.361
23-10-2024 3321.518
22-10-2024 3320.3643
21-10-2024 3320.5076
18-10-2024 3319.1112
17-10-2024 3318.8502
16-10-2024 3318.1707
15-10-2024 3318.0762
14-10-2024 3317.7938
11-10-2024 3315.9856
10-10-2024 3314.1707
09-10-2024 3313.4463
08-10-2024 3311.238
07-10-2024 3310.404
04-10-2024 3308.9444
03-10-2024 3308.2678
01-10-2024 3306.4352
30-09-2024 3305.4363
27-09-2024 3303.3606
26-09-2024 3302.9077
25-09-2024 3301.6785
24-09-2024 3300.9814
23-09-2024 3300.5576
20-09-2024 3298.895
19-09-2024 3298.1717
17-09-2024 3296.2272
16-09-2024 3295.9209
13-09-2024 3294.0772
12-09-2024 3293.0405
11-09-2024 3292.7208
10-09-2024 3292.303
09-09-2024 3291.5474
06-09-2024 3290.4219
05-09-2024 3289.6596
04-09-2024 3289.0946
03-09-2024 3288.4275
02-09-2024 3287.924
31-08-2024 3286.8561
30-08-2024 3286.228
29-08-2024 3286.0609
28-08-2024 3285.5179
27-08-2024 3284.9282
26-08-2024 3284.2356
23-08-2024 3282.8658
22-08-2024 3282.2789
21-08-2024 3281.2312
20-08-2024 3280.3672
19-08-2024 3279.4685
16-08-2024 3277.4012
14-08-2024 3276.5454
13-08-2024 3275.9298
12-08-2024 3275.4662
09-08-2024 3273.6407
08-08-2024 3273.2776
07-08-2024 3272.4489
06-08-2024 3272.0363
05-08-2024 3271.9848
02-08-2024 3270.1461
01-08-2024 3269.5302
31-07-2024 3268.4774
30-07-2024 3267.9029
29-07-2024 3267.6086
26-07-2024 3265.7938
25-07-2024 3263.8554
24-07-2024 3262.7404
23-07-2024 3262.1516
22-07-2024 3261.7752
19-07-2024 3259.9911
18-07-2024 3259.2744
16-07-2024 3258.1152
15-07-2024 3257.2892
12-07-2024 3255.3789
11-07-2024 3254.6012
10-07-2024 3253.7595
09-07-2024 3253.0854
08-07-2024 3252.5055
05-07-2024 3250.7037
04-07-2024 3249.9494
03-07-2024 3249.0039
02-07-2024 3248.3169
01-07-2024 3247.1957
30-06-2024 3246.3061
28-06-2024 3245.1488
27-06-2024 3244.1082
26-06-2024 3243.6103
25-06-2024 3242.6664
24-06-2024 3242.2939
21-06-2024 3240.6302
20-06-2024 3239.9281
19-06-2024 3239.3976
18-06-2024 3238.7078
14-06-2024 3236.1276
13-06-2024 3235.4994
12-06-2024 3234.8581
11-06-2024 3233.9394
10-06-2024 3233.185
07-06-2024 3231.2202
06-06-2024 3230.4219
05-06-2024 3229.1504
04-06-2024 3228.3843
03-06-2024 3229.5614
31-05-2024 3227.4901
30-05-2024 3226.9968
29-05-2024 3226.3453
28-05-2024 3226.0033
27-05-2024 3225.6477
24-05-2024 3224.0418
22-05-2024 3222.9689
21-05-2024 3221.9134
17-05-2024 3219.2875
16-05-2024 3218.6403
15-05-2024 3217.7024
14-05-2024 3216.8691
13-05-2024 3216.1789
10-05-2024 3214.5635
09-05-2024 3214.1301
08-05-2024 3213.5997
07-05-2024 3213.4513
06-05-2024 3212.7728
03-05-2024 3210.478
02-05-2024 3209.6995
30-04-2024 3208.3478
29-04-2024 3208.2315
26-04-2024 3206.7544
25-04-2024 3206.1878
24-04-2024 3206.1205
23-04-2024 3205.5781
22-04-2024 3204.3919
19-04-2024 3202.7936
18-04-2024 3202.9612
16-04-2024 3201.7834
15-04-2024 3201.4689
12-04-2024 3199.643
10-04-2024 3199.0992
08-04-2024 3197.2455
05-04-2024 3196.0194
04-04-2024 3195.06
03-04-2024 3194.0997
02-04-2024 3192.9358
31-03-2024 3191.1527
28-03-2024 3189.5371
27-03-2024 3186.3184
26-03-2024 3185.6345

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